Paranormal Phenomenon
My Thoughts
Paranormal Phenomenon
I’ve been researching lately about paranormal phenomena and whether or not these phenomena exist. I believe they do, but researching for answers is not the easiest thing. You don’t have your answer solved 100% until you go out and experiment yourself. So, I was thinking sometime in the future, maybe, just maybe I will go out and explore strange areas with abandoned buildings. Perhaps also bring some “ghost-hunting” equipment, EMF Readers, UV flashlights, Thermometers, etc. along with a friend just in case things go south, I have backup. My hypothesis is that there will be minimal signs of paranatural activity, meaning there won’t be any signs in most of the areas I will discover or at least coincidences, but again, are coincidences really coincidences all the time?
Anyways, enough rambling about my experiment. Continuing on the topic of researching these phenomena, I came across a channel known as “Mr. Nightmare”. Mr. Nightmare is a horror channel that describes real-life experiences that people email him to share. The experiences are all horror-related, hence the name “Mr. Nightmare”, some include crazy people, unknown sounds, dangerous encounters in the woods at night; you name it. Great channel, definitely recommend it.
However, one topic in particular that caught my attention was the paranormal section of his channel. There have been several videos where he tells the experiences of others that experienced paranormal phenomena in their area. One that caught my eye was this one video, and one of the 6 experiences consisted of an Argentine security guard who works at a football stadium, claiming to hear strange noises coming from the area. It’s hard to describe so I linked a video with the timemarks of the story for better understanding.
He went downstairs to this sort of basement-like section and entered the room where the source of the sound was coming from. When he entered the room, the door behind him started slamming loudly, keep in mind though, he stated that it wasn’t a windy day, and even if it was, it would be impossible for the wind to slam the door that hard.
The crazier part is that at 5:05, you can see a dark figure/shadow pass-by, despite him being the only person in the room.
Now I’ve heard of many ghost stories before. Some of them include abandoned buildings, supposedly “haunted” houses. Though, never have I ever heard of something as bizarre as this. It's a really unique one I'll admit, however, we're only touching the surface when it comes to these types of phenomena.
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